A Jurassic Programmer or 'Hey ya wanna buy a semicolon?' by Arthur L. Carpenter
Wed, Feb 28
Art Carpenter (!) presents an incomplete history of the SAS language.

Time & Location
Feb 28, 2024, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST
Through the eyes of a statistician and self-taught SAS programmer, this talk includes an incomplete history of SAS starting from before the invention of the semi-colon. Excerpts from papers presented through the years will be used to provide the historical context. Along the way you may learn the answers to such profound questions as ‘Where is the eastern most point in the United States’, and ‘Do they accept US currency in Alaska?’.
In the olden days Art Carpenter was a SAS and statistics consultant. He started using SAS in 1977 and retired in 2019. He currently resides in Anchorage, Alaska with his wife, Marilyn, and dog Honey. His geocaching alias is Fuzzyman.